Random Musings

To ‘be’ or To ‘do’

Recently a young guy I just met at the meditation center asked me, what do you do? I said I am traveling and trying to deepen my meditation practice.   He asked why wasn’t I working and I replied that…
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Traveling within – A journey of memories

This last year has been difficult and interesting at the same time. Many of us are conditioned to believe that a ‘secure’ and ‘certain’ life is important to be happy. From early morning to late evening, we studied, worked, strived…
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Discovering love that can break your heart!

The older I grow, the more I realise, everything in this world is relative. Our emotions, happiness, sadness…everything rooted in our experiences, and here’s one that changed mine. Couple of years ago, I had a message on my phone from…
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The universe conspires…..Fiji

He kept driving for more than an hour on what seemed to be a winding road. It was quiet and dark outside. Occasionally I’d hear a dog bark in the distance. There was no one on the road and rarely…
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The setting sun

What goes through your mind when you see a sunset?

Watching it on a beach at Murudeshwar one evening, I noticed that along with a number of thoughts, there was a lot of silence that filled me. And this poem is the result when I took a pen and started writing.


Travel is as much an inward journey as it is outward. Every situation, every person you meet, a story you heard or a book you read, everything has an ability to challenge your underlying beliefs and judgments. One such story…
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Illusionary world

When trials and triumphs define who we are When man is classified either good or bad When ‘feeling’ becomes an obscene word life turns mechanical of sorts A complex web of contradictions as grey matter rules the world Where love…
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Hampi – An Inner Journey

Free from thinking but not the thoughts Liberated from boundaries, real or not In layers of consciousness I see Barriers of mind melting away I close my eyes and hear Gentle rustling of the leaves Beautiful butterflies fly close by…
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Goa, memories of unabashed freedom

For once I can say, I too lived in the moment Few days of freedom unlike any before Where time didn’t dictate a task list of things to do Sun rising and setting a very thing of joy It didn’t…
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