
‘Mist’erious Goecha La

Once upon a time, the small village of Yuksom faced a severe food crisis. People fought with each other as they struggled to cope. A Shepard realised something had to be done. He took his sheep and embarked on a…
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Uluru – Once upon a time

Uluru dates back to over 500 million years! Come to think of it, that’s almost 250 million years before dinosaurs were known to have existed. Its no wonder then that Uluru dream time stories talk of giant creatures that existed whose footprints formed massive craters on it’s rock. 

Spiti – A Sublime Beauty

Mai ni meriye, shimle di raahe, kaaza kitniki door….haaayee…..Kazaaaa kitniki door!!!! What happens when a group of local singers with soulful voices, guitar, old monk, talented chefs come together in a cozy mud house’s kitchen with heated tandoor…..…….and not just…
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Bali, Its many hues!

Where are you from? ‘India’ Hindu? Questions I and my friend were mostly greeted with by locals in Bali. It was a deja vu moment bringing memories of my time in Pokhara, Nepal, with a minor exception. Where are you…
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Yuksom and it’s treasures

“Some journeys choose us. In their own mystical ways, they bring us to them!” When a friend sent me a note from a book, it was these words that got my attention. I was in Yuksom, a small town in western…
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Kerala – Land of Abundance

For years I wanted to backpack around Kerala but time never seemed to be on my side. It took a series of dramatic events to land me at the Kalaripayattu training and treatment ashram near Trivandrum (Thiruvananthapuram). I was there…
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Bittersweet Kanyakumari

At 4.30 am I found myself at the southernmost tip of India facing the vast expanse of water from three different sources, the Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea. I had a sleepless night, and after trying in…
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Thar – a vast expanse of nothingness

What is it like to travel to a place that has nothing? Nothing but dry red rustic earth as far as eyes could see!  A few of us Square Trippers† wanted to experience just that! Only one place came to mind, Thar…
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Nagaland – A wild adventure

Banging a log drum with two wooden logs in a Naga hut wasn’t what we envisioned when couple of us decided to travel to Nagaland. Yet, we found ourselves in a beautifully crafted tribal hut with people from Phom tribe…
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